Business +

Trusted technology advisor to high-growth companies and entrepreneurs.

About Us

We understand it can be hard to navigate your business around digitalizing the existing or future products and offering. Our firm specializes in guiding C-level executives and entrepreneurs to find sweet spot technology solutions.

We work across the lifecycle of the product starting from the seed of an idea to the final product and commercial maintenance. This allows us to take an end-to-end view and guide clients with the end-goal in mind.

Our team members have previously engaged with both large international corporates and nibble startups. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every project.

Areas of Practice

IT product strategy

Your product offering is the main source of your revenue. However, oftentimes emphasis is put on wrong product mix or high-potential ideas are being overlooked. We help categorise and prioritise products with our in-house developed “ranging methodology”

IT product development

IT services industry is constantly in flux, so the companies must adapt quickly to the changing trends and security requirements. We strive to anticipate these changes and select modular solutions resilient to modifications

Business processes

Technology is just a code optimised to solve a certain problem. The key here is to have deep rooting between your IT solutions and business needs. Our team has completed over 20+ business process optimisation projects with proven improvements to business efficacy and customer satisfaction

Professional services

It is estimated that over 80% of IT projects suffer from delays, wrong architecture decisions and mismanagement. We offer our proven project management (PMO) methodologies that allow robust development planning tools, progress evaluation metrics and fallback scenarios

“Technology like art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.”

– Daniel Bell


To date we helped clients in 10+ industries

Although our services are tailored to a specific customer and industry, we excel best in the following sectors:

  • Smart homes
  • Markekting and Events
  • FinTech
  • Online retail
  • Consumer goods
  • CRM (industry agnostic)

Get in touch

We offer a 60-min free session to brainstorm your ideas with our expert team

  • Address

    BasicLogic DWC-LLC
    461, Building A3,
    Dubai World Central,
    Dubai, UAE, PO. 414260
  • Email
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